[imp] Trying to make Imp 4.0.4 display like 3.2.5

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Tue Dec 20 20:06:41 PST 2005

Quoting "Daniel A. Ramaley" <daniel.ramaley at DRAKE.EDU>:

> Hello. I am trying to get mailboxes in Imp 4.0.4 to display the same as
> an older version (3.2.5). Both versions are configured to display the
> last page of messages first. However, if the number of messages in the
> mail box is not evenly divisible by the number of messages per page (20
> in this case), the new version of Imp shows the remainder, while the
> old version shows the maximum allowed per page.
> For example, if there are 20 messages per page, and i have 63 messages
> in a mailbox, both versions of Imp will break the messages into 4 pages
> and display the last page. But Imp 3.2.5 shows 20 messages on the last
> page, while 4.0.4 only shows 3. Is there a setting to change this? I'd
> like Imp 4.0.4 to also display 20 messages on the last page.

Just reverse your sort then.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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