[imp] UW-IMAP Folders

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 17 04:51:07 PST 2006


I have a Linux server running UW-IMAP.  When creating folders in IMP it 
is impossible to create a subfolder under the basename folder since the 
basename folder is a file and not a directory.  I'm wondering if anyone 
has a backend or method for IMP so that when a folder is created a file 
container is created but hidden from view?


Currently I create folder FOO in the top level.
FOO is created as a file on the server file system.
Now I can't create folder FOO/BAR because FOO is a file.
Wished for: FOO/.mbox is the created file on the server file system.
So that folder FOO/BAR can be created.
File system would then contain files FOO/.mbox and FOO/BAR/.mbox.
The IMP Folder display though would only show the folder directories.


Earnie Boyd

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