[imp] multi accounts

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jan 19 04:58:40 PST 2006

Quoting Guido Leisker <lists.gl at guido-leisker.de>:

> Sorry for asking another time, but absolute cant find the Options Menue?
> If I did understand right, that should be availible after logging in as
> a normal user to do webmailing.
> There and still in the admin interface, I cant find this.
> I did also activate the option
> "Horde Setup" -> "Menue Settings" -> " Should we display options links
> in the menu?" -> "All users"

I don't know why you can't find it.  It has an icon picture of a wrench 
and a screw driver crossed like an X.  I have one in the top menu of 
IMP specific to IMP that links to horde/services/prefs.php?app=imp and 
one in the left menu that links to horde/services/prefs.php.

Earnie Boyd

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