[imp] mail deletion fails

Andy Credo Sibuea aquarian_dy at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 2 19:42:20 PST 2006

Oh, sorry.. I forgot to mention that I use POP3 to get those messages.  My problem is not the kind that happened to IMAP method, that should be  a two-stage process (mark as delete, then purge).
  Thank you
  imp-request at lists.horde.org wrote:
      Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 01:26:31 -0800 (PST)
      From: Andy Credo Sibuea
      Subject: [imp] mail deletion fails
      To: imp at lists.horde.org
      Dear all,
      I'm having some problem in deleting mails from my inbox.
      If I try to delete them by checking some mails and klik on "delete", it fails.
      Nothing happened. But I can delete the mail by  opening the mail and clicking "delete" from the opened message.
      my system is as follows:
      Redhat linux
      I'd be glad for any response. Thank you.
      Best regards,
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