[imp] IMP H3 (4.1-RC3)

Fábio fabiodealmeida at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 13:32:44 PST 2006

Jan Schneider escreveu:
> Zitat von Fábio <fabiodealmeida at gmail.com>:
>> Jan Schneider escreveu:
>>> The Horde Team is pleased to announce the third release candidate of the IMP
>>> Webmail Client version H3 (4.1).
>> Why am I not getting this in the Announce list? All I got from there was
>> about Horde-RC3 and Turba-RC2.
> Because you have a smart mail server software.
> Jan.
Oddly enough, I received the message from the Announce list, four 
minutes after complaining. Must be Murphy's Laws.

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