[imp] Language Ressource for en_US (LC_MESSAGES)

Harakiri harakiri_23 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 20:44:18 PST 2006

Well, that is some bad design to use the default
language inside the source code - i wondered why the
msgids are complete sentences - so what if you change
one english sentence you gotta have to change at least
 30+ translations because you changed the msgid -
thats nuts

--- Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> There don't exist any, because it's the default
> language used inside  
> the source code.
> > I successfully changed texts in other languages
> but
> > where can i edit / modify the english.MO files ?
> You need to create them first.
> > i found a imp.po file in the locale but thats only
> the
> > source .. where do i place a compiled one - it
> seems
> > the english msgstr are the msgids internally.
> Exactly.
> Jan.

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