[imp] Idea for new feature: View Only...

Eric Gorr mailist at ericgorr.net
Fri Feb 24 16:02:27 PST 2006

Quoting Earnie Boyd <earnie at users.sourceforge.net>:

> Quoting Eric Gorr <mailist at ericgorr.net>:
>> The search functionality, as implemented is quite cumbersome for a user who
>> would be switching between views often for their various folders. While
>> one can
>> create virtual folders, it seems wrong to expect a user to create a virtual
>> folder for each view for each folder they would commonly be switching
>> between.
> It must depend on the user.  I like the virtual folder method and it
> certainly matches the Outlook client functionality or maybe even
> surpasses it.

Well, I, for example, subscribe to several mailing lists...currently 
27. I have
a folder and filter for each mailing list such that when I visit my INBOX, it
automatically moves all new messages to the appropriate folder.

Now, the views I am most interested in would be:

Not Important

So, the number of Virtual Folders I would need would be:

27 * 3 = 81

This seems to be an extraordinary amount of work for something that could be
handled automatically with an additional feature.

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