[imp] Can't log in to IMP 4.1 - Unexpected response from server

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Mar 9 22:30:53 PST 2006

Quoting Dan Brown <dan at familybrown.org>:

>>  Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command. [on line 42 of
>> "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/test/newhorde/imp/login.php"]
> Figuring it might be useful, I logged port 143 for a login attempt.
> Here's what resulted (with password masked):


This is the connection from IMP_IMAPClient:


>   0.484401 e-smith.familybrown.org -> e-smith.familybrown.org IMAP
> Request: A002 LOGIN dan {13}
>   0.487768 e-smith.familybrown.org -> e-smith.familybrown.org IMAP
> Response: A002 NO LOGIN failed

Your problem is exactly what the error message is telling you.  Your  
IMAP server is broken and returning unexpected response codes.  The  
command "A002 LOGIN dan {13}" is expecting a return of "+".  {13}  
indicates a literal string is to follow (as opposed to a quoted string  
- quoted strings are bad here because it is difficult to escape stuff  
in a password correctly).  Your IMAP server apparently does not  
support literal strings, or at least literal strings in a LOGIN  
requesq.  This is *completely* broken IMAP behavior.

see, e.g., RFC 3501:
  [4.3] - IMAP server must support literal strings
  [7.5] - "+" is proper response to literal string request
  [9] - required BNF syntax for login
   login           = "LOGIN" SP userid SP password
   password        = astring
   astring         = 1*ASTRING-CHAR / string
   string          = quoted / literal

Since we don't support non RFC-compliant IMAP servers, we can't help  
you here.  Solution: install a new IMAP server.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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