[imp] Error when showing amount of emails of a mailbox.

Dario Ale dario.a at telpin.com.ar
Mon Mar 13 05:24:12 PST 2006


I have a problem, when I enter in the mailbox from Horde-imp or I 
configure my Mozilla Thunderbird, there are 282 messages, but, if I see 
the mailbox with `mail -f mailboxname`, there are 330 messages.
Also I get the messages with POP3, I only recived the 282 mails, the 
rest there aren´t in the mailbox, the mailbox has been deleted.
Watching Horde´s log, I found the next line:

imapproxyd[]: Raw_Proxy(): IMAP server unexpectedly closed the 
connection on sd 28

I tried reformat the mailbox with formail, but nothing.
This happens with two or three users with mailbox of ~ 25Mb.

Can somebody help me?, Thanks, very much.

pd: sorry, my english not is good.


Dario Ale (dario.ale en telpin.com.ar)
Area Internet
Telpin - Jason 1026 - Pinamar (7167)

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