[imp] Dimp

Karl-Heinz Christian Zeck christizeck84 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 03:42:42 PST 2006


I am trying to install dimp on my computer and I've read on the
documentation page that "DIMP currently requires the current HEAD version of
IMP to run". Can somebody explain to me what is this HEAD version of IMP and
where can I get it from. Right now I have imp-h3-4.1 installed, but when I'm
trying to use DIMP, I receive the following error:

*Fatal error*: Call to undefined method IMP_Tree::build() in *
D:\Projects\horde\dimp\templates\views\ListFolders.php* on line *32*

I guess I'm using the wrong IMP version (but which one from the ftp is the
the one dimp needs?)

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for me.

Christi Zeck

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