[imp] PleaseHelpMe! - IMP and exchange 2003

Bianchi Quota Leonardo Leonardo.BianchiQuota at insiel.it
Wed Mar 29 07:25:21 PST 2006

Hi, I have a running FrontEnd IMP and 5 uw-imap boxes plus a recent
Exchange 2003 SP2.

Horde-2.2.3-1 ; IMP Version,IMP: 3.2.1,PHP Version; PHP Version: 4.2.2 

How can I configure IMP so that I disable the view of exhcange folders
like Notes, Contacts, Activities and leave the IMAP "normal" ones
(Inbox, Trash, Sent, Drafts)? The aim is to disable persons to
edit/delete exchange items from IMP and if you have other solutions of
course are welcome!

Thank you in advance,


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