[imp] patched horde to 3.1.1 - cannot log in
Josh Trutwin
josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Mon Apr 10 15:53:53 PDT 2006
I just ran the 3.1 to 3.1.1 patch on horde and now when I log in I
don't get redirected to imp. I did the ALTER TABLE on the session
table (mysql) as recommended in the UPGRADE doc. I notice that in
horde_log it shows login as being successful, but I just do not get
redirected to the mail page. I cleared my session table as well and
that didn't seem to help. Basically I hit Submit for on the login
page and it always stays on that page. If I reverse the patch all is
well again.
Any ideas? Gotta be something stupid I missed. Thanks,
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