[imp] patched horde to 3.1.1 - cannot log in

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Tue Apr 11 06:40:53 PDT 2006

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Josh Trutwin <josh at trutwins.homeip.net>:
>> I just ran the 3.1 to 3.1.1 patch on horde and now when I log in I
>> don't get redirected to imp.  I did the ALTER TABLE on the session
>> table (mysql) as recommended in the UPGRADE doc.  I notice that in
>> horde_log it shows login as being successful, but I just do not get
>> redirected to the mail page.  I cleared my session table as well and
>> that didn't seem to help.  Basically I hit Submit for on the login page
>> and it always stays on that page.  If I reverse the patch all is well
>> again.
> Anything in the logs?

I have horde setup to use MySQL logging, when I did the above, a 
successful login was logged:

[imp] Login success for josh at netbits.us [] to 
{localhost:993} [on line 152 of 

I also have php logging notices/warnings/errors, and this was in that log:

[11-Apr-2006 08:35:07] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant full - 
assumed 'full' in 
/backup/source/web/horde/horde-3.1/imp/config/servers.php on line 203
[11-Apr-2006 08:35:07] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  rowlocking in 
on line 139

There are more instances of both of the above notices, I just copied 
the last two.  The "rowlocking" one seems suspect.

I fixed the first notice by single-quoting 'full' in my 
imp/config/servers.php - no change though.



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