[imp] (no subject)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Apr 28 08:29:57 PDT 2006

Zitat von aubert at iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr:

> Hello.
> I am about to achieve the configuration of a webmail on a debian
> system, using Horde 3.1.1 and Imp H3 4.1.1. I also use apache 2.0.55-4
> with php 4.4.2-1, openldap 2.2.26-5 as a backend, postfix 2.2.10-1,
> courier-imap-ssl 3.0.8-13.
> Most of fetaures work well. Except the draft saving : when I try to
> save a draft email, the server answers :
> -> Saving the draft failed. This is what the server said: Access denied
> for APPEND on INBOX. (ACL "i" required)

Re-save/re-set your draft folder preference.


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