[imp] Unable to see messages in one Inbox

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Sun May 7 16:26:29 PDT 2006

Jan Schneider <jan <at> horde.org> writes:

> Zitat von James Turnbull <james <at> lovedthanlost.net>:
> > Jan Schneider wrote:
> >>
> >> Is the page cut off, or is it really not displaying the messages?
> >>
> > How can I tell which is the case?  The HTML source?
> Yes.
> Jan.

Jan - Sorry to take so long to reply - other problems too. :)

But - yes the source appears cut off.  The last piece of HTML is the closing
</tr> for the Inbox header.  Nothing after that.


James Turnbull

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