[imp] Experiencing problems with GPG

Volker Then vt at volkerthen.com
Mon May 15 22:54:11 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I don't know, if this is really a horde/imp issue. I'm witnessing some  
odd behavior with my imported gpg keys. When sending email using my  
gpg key with Thunderbird there is no problem at all. Using IMP for  
reading messages encrypted by Thunderbird is working fine, too:  
"Decrypted message; Good signature from....".

When sending email with IMP using the same GPG keys, decrypting of my  
own messages inside of IMP fails:

"This message has been encrypted with PGP.
This message does not appear to be a valid PGP encrypted message.  
Error: Could not decrypt PGP data: gpg: decryption failed: secret key  
not available"

People's public keys are stored in turba's LDAP source
'pgpPublicKey' => 'turbaPGPPublicKey',
and they are correctly listed in imp's PGP options.

Thunderbird's security info is more detailed:
penPGP Security Info

Error - secret key needed to decrypt message

gpg command line and output:
/usr/bin/gpg --charset utf8  --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 -d  
--passphrase-fd 0 --no-use-agent
gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 3E4058E7, created 2006-05-08
       "Example Address <address at example.com>"
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available

Strange, that the recipient himself is able to decrypt the message,  
but getting some error messages, too.

Only when sending signed and encrypted emails to myself, imp is  
displaying everything correctly, without complaining about wrong  
signatures. Thunderbird decrypts those messages, but complains about  
the signature made by imp:

"gpg: BAD signature from "MyAddress <myaddress at example.com>""

I definitely use the same keys with Thunderbird and IMP.

Anyone experiencing the same issue?

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.



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