[imp] newmail pop window not working for a particular user

Schmid Benoit Benoit.Schmid at adm.unige.ch
Mon May 29 00:44:51 PDT 2006

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
 > Quoting Schmid Benoit <Benoit.Schmid at adm.unige.ch>:
 >> Schmid Benoit wrote:
 >>> Goog morning,
 >>> We use imp-h3-4.1.1
 >>> We have one of our user that does not have popup working
 >>> when there are new mails.
 >>> Options are ok:
 >>> +------------+--------------+------------+
 >>> | pref_scope | pref_name    | pref_value |
 >>> +------------+--------------+------------+
 >>> | imp        | nav_audio    | 1          |
 >>> | imp        | nav_popup    | 1          |
 >>> | imp        | refresh_time | 30         |
 >>> +------------+--------------+------------+
 >>> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 >>> I have connected on her mailbox and my mailbox.
 >>> I have seen that it it does not work for her although it work for me
 >>> using the same browser on the same pc.
 >>> Therefore it seems to be related to her preferences.
 >>> Would someone have a clue on which preference could make
 >>> this behaviour change.
 >>> Regards,
 >> Hello,
 >> I have noticed that $imp_mailbox->newMessageCount() returns 0 when I
 >> have the problem.
 > Some other process running for that user is removing the 'recent' 
flag in the IMAP mailbox.
 > michael
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 > Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
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I have checked in the imap log for this user.
There is a login->select->close from the webmail server.
There does not seem to have other access to the imap server.
I may have a bug in my php-imap module.
But I am wondering why I have the problem with specific users
on the same imap server.


       Benoit Schmid              Tel: (++41-22) 379-7209
       UNIGE Postmaster

       University of Geneva - Information Technology Division


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