[imp] Passing auth credentials to compose

MIlos Prudek prudek at bvx.cz
Mon Jun 5 09:32:35 PDT 2006

> >> You can use IMP's "authenticate" API method though an RPC request. You
> >> would need to fetch the cookies retrieved from the RPC server and send
> >> them back to the users browser.
> >
> > This is interesting. Is there some more detailed info available? For
> > instance how do I fetch those cookies?
> They're HTTP headers. You parse them out of the response like anything
> else, or you use a tool that handles cookies for you.

So, if a Horde auth cookie is set during the RPC request (IMP's "authenticate" 
API method), it is saved in the user's browser cookies automatically. That 
would mean that I do not need to fetch the cookie and send it back to the 
user's browser. That would counter what you wrote earlier. What am I missing?

> Your choice of xml-rpc, soap, rest-like, etc...

OK, I discovered a howto in the Wiki. http://wiki.horde.org/WSDLHowTo. All I 
need to do is to send XML-RPC request from my external application (Zope) 
to /horde/rpc.php, correct?

Milos Prudek

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