[imp] Calling IMP thru XML-RPC

MIlos Prudek prudek at bvx.cz
Thu Jun 8 09:22:48 PDT 2006


I'm trying to figure out how to call Horde from Python via XML-RPC. Knowledge 
of Python is not required to understand the following snippets.

Python has a built-in library xmlrpclib that takes care of everything. The 
following test script works perfectly from Python:

def getStateName(self, number):
    import xmlrpclib
    return server.examples.getStateName(number)

It returns Alabama for 01 and Wyoming for 50 from RPC server at userland.com.

Based on that test script I wrote this snippet:

def getAuth(self, user, pwd):
    import xmlrpclib
    return server.imp.authenticate(user,pwd)

It returns two errors: "multiple elements on top level" and "Syntax error at 
line 2: multiple elements on top level"

Is my snippet OK?

Milos Prudek

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