[imp] Question about PGP functionality

Victor W suckadis at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 28 16:28:58 PDT 2006

Can anyone provide a couple statements of what PGP and/or S/MIME require to 

I have openssl functionality compiled into Apache as well as PHP and have 
upload functionality turned on in I believe all the correct spots in the 
php.ini file.  I have Squirrelmail running on the same webserver where I can 
send (encrypt/sign) and receive (decrypt) PGP-encrypted messages, or 
messages with PGP'ed files attached to them.

Specific problem I'm having is that in IMP, when I enable the PGP 
functionality and then try to upload my keypair, it says it did it 
successfully, but then I still have no PGP functionality?  If I go back to 
the options in the Mail configuration "PGP Options", it doesn't show the key 
I just uploaded.  It just says:

"No Keys in Keyring

Key import is not available. You have no address book defined to add your 

Does this message mean that I need to have the Address Book module installed 
before I can successfully upload any PGP keys (private or public)?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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