[imp] Access to "name" parameter from servers.php

Mike Cisar mlists at starmania.net
Sun Jul 2 09:27:09 PDT 2006

I'm running the latest Horde/IMP, using IMP for authentication.  It is
configured for a hidden server list, using the 'preferred' mechanism to
determine the server settings.

I have made some changes to imp/login.php and imp/templates/login/login.inc
to customize the login page.  One of these changes involves replacing the
"welcome to horde" banner with something more specific to the individual
domain that the person is logging into (ie. "Welcome to Big Company

I've currently got these values hardcoded, but what I am wondering is how I
might access the value of the 'name' field in servers.php for the currently
active server (ie. the appropriate '$servers' section has been chosen by the
'preferred' mechanism... now I need to extract the 'name' value from that
particular "$servers" section).  This seems like the easiest method for us
to maintain since the appropriate welcome string can be placed in that field
when the rest of the server parameters are added when configuring a new

I've poked around the code a bit and have tried a few things based on the
code that generates the servers pulldown on the login screen.  But the grand
total of those efforts so far has been either a crash or an empty string.
Chalk it up to lack of understanding of the code as a result of weak PHP
programming skills :-)

If someone could post a code snippet or some pointers that would help to
extract that piece of information that would be greatly appreciated.

>>>>> Mike <<<<<

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