[imp] Send email notification download attachement

Marco Pirovano marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it
Mon Jul 17 00:32:40 PDT 2006

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Marco Pirovano <marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it>:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using IMP 4.1.2 and I've setup the options that IMP can send an email
>> notification afther the first person attempts to download the link
>> attachment.
>> But it does not work :-(
>> I receive the mail with the link attachement, where is write
>> "Attachements (Link will expire on August 1, 2006)", I can download the
>> attached file, but the sender does not receive any mail.
>> I've also applied a patch to attachment.php found in the list, but nothing
>> has changed.
>> Any suggestion ?
> Try the following patch and check the horde log.
> http://cvs.horde.org/diff.php?f=imp%2Fattachment.php&r1=
> Jan.


I applied the patch, but nothing changed.
This is the error when I click on the link to download the attached file:

[Mon Jul 17 09:29:26 2006] [error] [client] PHP Fatal  
error:  Call to a member function on a non-object in  
/d0/webmail.unibocconi.it/htdocs/horde-3.1.1/lib/Horde/Identity.php on  
line 75, referer:  


* Marco Pirovano
* Universita' Bocconi, Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
* Piazza Sraffa 11 - 20136 Milano
* Tel. +39 02 5836.3173  Fax. +39 02 5836.3160  VoIP. 02 5828.3173

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