[imp] setting imp as webroot

Kevin Konowalec kevin at ualberta.net
Wed Jul 19 13:42:21 PDT 2006

horde 3.1.2
imp 4.1.2
apache 1.3.29

Okay I've followed the instructions on the FAQ but they don't work so  
I'll ask here to see what I did wrong.  I want to go to https:// 
my.server.com/ and get directly into imp.  In my httpd.conf file I  
have the following:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>

#  General setup for the virtual host
Alias /imp/ /var/www/htdocs/horde/imp/
DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/horde/imp

Then in /horde/config/registry.php I've modified the $this- 
 >applications['imp'] array to change 'webroot' to '/imp'.  When I  
restart the web browser I get the login page at the webroot but it  
won't let me log in (it just reloads the current page).  I have to  
back out all my changes and set the DocumentRoot back to /www/htdocs  
and go directly to https://my.server.com/horde/imp for it to work.   
What in the world am I doing wrong???

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