[imp] What to do about the root of our certificate chain?

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Wed Aug 9 02:30:41 PDT 2006


Amith Varghese had written:
> What name do you give the PEM files in /usr/share/ssl/certs?

Cliff Green wrote:
> I tend to name them after their server;  something like:
> server1_imapd.pem
> server2_imapd.pem
> etc....

When you want the OpenSSH client (which runs on your
Horde/Imp server) to pay attention to these files,
you will have to give them the proper alias names
OpenSSH is expecting:
   cd /usr/local/ssl/certs
     ln -s server1_imapd.pem \
        `openssl x509 -in server1_imapd.pem -hash | head -1`.0
     ln -s server2_imapd.pem \
        `openssl x509 -in server2_imapd.pem -hash | head -1`.0
     ls -Alp
(This is the syntax for Unix systems. Note those accents (aka
"backticks") around the openssl command. This will ask openssl
for a hash code based on the server name, and splice it properly
into thhe alias name.)

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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