[imp] Imp attachment issue [IMP BUG SOLVED IN HEAD]

Nicola Murino n.murino at theorematica.it
Mon Aug 14 08:13:20 PDT 2006

Citando Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Nicola Murino <n.murino at theorematica.it>:
>> Citando Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von Nicola Murino <n.murino at theorematica.it>:
>>>>> Set mime_drivers['imp']['alternative']['show'] in        
>>>>> imp/config/mime_drivers.php to false.
>>>> I already had this settings in mime_drivers.php, here is my complete file:
>>>> /* If you don't want to display the link to show alternative   
>>>> message parts,
>>>> * set the following to false. */
>>>> $mime_drivers['imp']['alternative']['show'] = false;
>>>> what wrong?
>>> Maybe this is no multipart/alternative message.
>>> Jan.
>> Try to send a message with an attachment using imp (I tested     
>> evolution with same results) read the message with imp you will get  
>>    the unnamed link that allow you to download the message body,
>> I have the same results both with plain text messages with     
>> attachment than with html messages with attachment,
> This is something different then. You can choose in your preferences
> whether you want message parts to be displayed as attachments below
> the message header.
> Jan.

This is an imp bug, solved in HEAD, so we have to wait for the next  
imp release,



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