[imp] Disable / Hide message number column

Dhawal Doshy dhawal at netmagicsolutions.com
Fri Aug 18 09:06:59 PDT 2006

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Dhawal Doshy <dhawal at netmagicsolutions.com>:
>> Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>> Quoting Dhawal Doshy <dhawal at netmagicsolutions.com>:
>>>> Hello List,
>>>> I am simply missing out on the option to turn of the "message 
>>>> number" column in mailbox view.. is it possible through a 
>>>> configuration change or do i need to turn it off in the code (not 
>>>> preferable)?
>>> code.
>> ok.. so i need to comment:
>> a. imp/mailbox.php
>> $msg['number'] = _stylize($h->msgno, $style);
>> b. imp/templates/mailbox/message_headers.inc
>>     SORTARRIVAL => array(
>>         'stext' => _("Sort by Arrival"),
>>         'text' => _("#"),
>>         'width' => '4%'
>>     ),
>> but that still doesn't remove it completely. Anything else i need to 
>> comment?
> The column code in template files.

Thanks.. just for the archives, the following was commented in 

   <td<if:messages.color> style="background:<tag:messages.color 
    <tag:overflow_begin /><tag:messages.number /><tag:overflow_end />

Any chances this could be made a configuration preference in some future 

- dhawal

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