[imp] Invalid response code from server & 554 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Aug 29 14:37:12 PDT 2006

Zitat von John McKinney <john at ksource.org>:

> I have an email problem. I just purchased a Treo 650 (Cingular) to allow for
> web and email access on the go. After setting up VersaMail to check email I
> can no longer send email from my laptop or the Treo. I can receive the mail
> fine but when I try to create a new email or respond to a received mail I
> get the following error message:
> 554 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)
> When I log into the Horde site to for mail access again I can receive the
> mail but when I try to send, or reply, I get the following error message:
> There was an error sending your message: unable to add recipient
> [example at example.org]: Invalid response code received from server
> I contacted Anilta (that handles our account and they did something to fix
> it. But, the first time I checked the email for the Treo everything stopped
> again. I set up an additional email account with Johnm@ instead of John@ and
> it works but I need the John@ email address.
> What could be the problem? Apparently this type of email can work on two
> devises at a time (i.e Johnm@) but there must be a setting wrong on the
> John@ account. Anilta doesn't seem to know what the issue is so I am turning
> to you for advise.

Excuse me, but what does all this have to do with IMP? This is  
obviously a problem with your mail server configuration.


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