[imp] Weird behaviour with firefox and checkboxes on IMP 4.1.3

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Sep 3 08:34:26 PDT 2006

Zitat von Fabio <fabiodealmeida at gmail.com>:

> This started to happen when I upgraded to IMP 4.1.3.
> When there's a message list being displayed, pressing <shift> while  
> clicking on the checkboxes no longer lets you select multiple  
> messages in a first->last fashion (select the first, press shift,  
> select the last and then all messages in the range get selected).
> Also, if you press <shift> and double-click a checkbox, it *disappears*!!
> It happens with Mozilla Firefox; works normally with IE6/win  
> and Opera 8.5.
> What's up with that?

Works perfectly here.


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