[imp] Mail to Hotmail are discarded

lst_hoe01@kwsoft.de lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de
Sat Sep 23 02:00:47 PDT 2006

Zitat von Manilal K M <libregeek at gmail.com>:

> Hello all,
>   I am having an unusual problem. When I send a mail from IMP to a
> hotmail account, the mails are silently discarded. It's not displayed
> either in Inbox or Junk mail folders. When I tried to send mail from
> Ximian Evolution(Mail client) using the same mail server (POP/SMTP),
> it succeeded. Did anybody faced this issue? Any hints to debug?
> regards
> Manilal

Take this issue to the hotmail support. Hotmail is well known for 
"loosing" mail and no one taking e-Mail serious uses a hotmail account 
Grep for this issue on any MTA related mailing list if you like.



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