[imp] Quota display "quota status: NO LIMIT", please help

Greg Hadiwinata mana_tahan at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 27 06:32:09 PDT 2006

Hi Lucien,

I just found out that Plesk uses a qmail patch to manage mailbox quota, thus 
courier-imap doesn't even know mailbox size is limited. Do you or anybody 
else have had any experience with a plesk qmail patch? Is there anyway to 
get around it?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lucien GENTIS" <lucien.gentis at lorraine.iufm.fr>
To: "Greg Hadiwinata" <mana_tahan at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: [imp] Quota display "quota status: NO LIMIT", please help

Greg Hadiwinata a écrit :

>Unfortunately it didn't quite work for me. The quota bar does show up, but
>it's not showing any limits as quota status says NO LIMIT.
>I'm using Plesk 8 for Linux to manage my server.
>Would greatly appreciate any help.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Lucien GENTIS" <lucien.gentis at lorraine.iufm.fr>
>To: <imp at lists.horde.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 4:09 PM
>Subject: Re: [imp] Quota display "quota status: NO LIMIT", please help
>Greg Hadiwinata a écrit :
>>I'm a newbie webserver administrator. I've been trying to setup Imp to
>>display quota for my email users. After going through the mailing list, 
>>trying out several instructions, I still haven't been able to show quota
>>Currently I'm using Imp: H3 (4.1.1). I have made modification to
>>servers.php to include quota as follows:
>>$servers['imap'] = array(
>>   'name' => 'IMAP Server',
>>   'server' => 'localhost',
>>   'hordeauth' => 'full',
>>   'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>>   'port' => 143,
>>   'folders' => 'INBOX.',
>>   'namespace' => '',
>>   'maildomain' => $DomainName ,
>>   'smtphost' => 'localhost',
>>   'smtpport' => 25,
>>   'realm' => '',
>>   'preferred' => '',
>>   'dotfiles' => false,
>>   'quota' => array(
>>       'driver' => 'courier',
>>       'params' => array(
>>           'login' => '',
>>           'password' => ''
>>       )
>>   ),
>>   'hierarchies' => array()
>>The result was, I can now see a "quota bar" along with a "quota status",
>>the problem is the quota status displayed "NO LIMIT" thus the quota bar is
>>empty since it thought that there is no quota, even though I have set 
>>(through plesk).
>>Can anybody help me get this quota thing working? Thanks in advance.
>>This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
>>solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
>>Any opinions expressed in the email are those of the individual and not
>>necessarily the company. This email and any files transmitted with it are
>>confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are
>>not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering to the
>>intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error
>>and that any use is strictly prohibited.
>It works for me with:
>'quota' => array('driver' => 'courier','params' => array())
Are quota enable on your mailboxes ?
How do you deliver messages in them ? (deliverquota . . .?)

In other words, you must create your mailboxes with maildirmake command
and option -q, followed by your quota definition;
You also must deliver messages in different mailboxes with deliverquota

IUFM de Lorraine
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
5, Rue Paul Richard

Tél. 03 83 17 68 41
Email : lucien.gentis at lorraine.iufm.fr

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