[imp] IMP 3->4 : how to import database? SOLVED

helen helen at cc.huji.ac.il
Tue Nov 14 03:49:45 PST 2006

helen wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying out the Horde/IMP installation: horde-3.1.3 + imp-h3-4.1.3 + 
> turba-h3-2.1.3 which will eventually replace our old installation:
> horde-2.2.7 + imp-3.2.6 + turba-1.2.2.
> I'm not able to find out how to import the user preferences database 
> from the old installation to the new one. It seems to be possible for 
> turba (to copy the turba_objects table and add new fields with the turba 
> update scripts) but not for imp : the database in the old installation 
> has tables imp_addr and imp_pref which don't exist in the new 
> installation (the corresponding data seems to be contained in 
> horde_prefs which has a different format). The imp package doesn't 
> contain any upgrade scripts in the "scripts" directory; the horde 
> package has upgrade scripts but they don't deal with the imp tables.
> Please help???
> Thank you,
> Helen

Never mind, I figured it out : it appears that the tables imp_addr and 
imp_pref were left from some ancient version, so they can be ignored - 
the actual data is contained in horde_prefs which is the same format as 
the new version.
*feels stupid*

  " "~~~

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