[imp] "Welcome to Horde"

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Nov 16 05:56:13 PST 2006


Chuck Hagenbuch schrieb:
> I'd welcome a proposal on what the login page should look like 
> semantically.

Here is my wishlist (Harakiri <harakiri_23 at yahoo.com>
may well have more flexibility in mind):

In the Imp login page, I would need three parts:

- A heading area (featuring an identification of the installation,
   and if desired, a particular "Welcome").
   This should be freely designable by configuration options,
   e. g. it could include a configuration-supplied HTML/PHP
   source (same mechanism as motd.php, in the current version).
   The default would be the current "Welcome to Horde/
   Webmail" field.

- The login form proper, featuring input fields for server,
   user-id, password, and user-interface language, as we have
   it in the current version plus two enhancments, cf. infra.

- A part for additional remarks, disclaimers, and so on.
   Here, motd.php works quite well.

In the login form proper, I'd like to have two enhancements:

- There should be help texts associated with the input fields
   (attached are my own helptexts for Imp 3.2.2, only the
   longish remark on the UI language determining the possible
   mail languages is obolete, for Imp 4.1, the remainder ist still

- The string "@..." right of the Username field does not
   properly work, and should either be based on a more
   dynamic mechanism, or entirely abandoned.

   This string stems from a _imp_hook_vinfo('vdomain') call,
   and all that hook can do is return an e-mail domain,
   based on the current form input. If _imp_hook_vinfo
   yields an empty string, the user will see a "@", right
   of the Username field; hence, in the empty login form,
   _imp_hook_vinfo will yield a domain, based on the default
   server. Now, if the user selects a different server, that
   string on the screen does not accordingly change, so it
   does not reflect the currently selected server, any more;
   only when the user hits the login button, _imp_hook_vinfo
   gets a chance to supply another value, which normally
   won't be displayed (as the whole login form is replaced
   with something else).

   There are two better solutions:
   · don't display any domain right of the Username field
     (or, at least don't display a mere "@"  if _imp_hook_vinfo
     does not supply a domain),
   · or change the domain dynamically via JavaScript
     (the JavaScript code would need a mapping of servers
     to domains that could be derived from imp/config/servers.php).

In the current version, I'd have to develop a custom login page
to get my 1st wish granted, duplicating the major part of

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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