[imp] Other Mail Accounts feature / Fetch Mail

Neale Rudd neale at metawerx.net
Sat Dec 9 03:36:25 PST 2006


I am having a problem with Fetch Mail, on the latest RC of Horde WebMail 
Version is horde-webmail-1.0-rc2.

IMP accesses the mail server correctly (POP3), and issues RETR statements 
for all
the waiting mail.  However, it always shows "Fetchmail: Fetched 0 messages 
from support"
(support is the Other Mail Accounts account name in this case).  The mail 
does not show
in the inbox however.

With the primary mail account that I log in as, mail is retrieved correctly.
However, with any additional mail account, I always get the same result.

For example, if there are 10 mails waiting in support at mydomain.com, I can 
see IMP
issue 10 RETR statements in the POP3 logs of the mail server, 1 for each 
mail.  If
I add 4 mails, it issues 14 RETR statements. Therefore, it is not a problem 
of IMP
knowing it has already collected those mails. They just never show in the 

Is there something I'm doing incorrectly, or is this a known bug?

Neale Rudd

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