[imp] Address book can't keep settings

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Dec 12 01:46:17 PST 2006

Zitat von Chris Forsyth <Chris.Forsyth at earthlink.net>:

> Hey Everyone
>     I recently setup a Gentoo box with QMail and Horde. We can send  
> and receive mail fine. We add contact to the address book and the  
> contacts will only stay during the session. Once we log out and log  
> back in the address book is completely blank.

This doesn't belong to the IMP mailing list. Please follow up on  
turba at lists.horde.org.

Any chance you are using a preference address book backend but didn't  
configure a permanent preference storage?


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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