[imp] POP3 issue fixed (at least for now)

Ian R. Justman ianj at ian-justman.com
Mon Dec 18 14:35:13 PST 2006

Hi, all.

I managed to fix my POP3 issue for now.  I find that adding a delay 
before logging in appears to fix my issue.  According to a log generated 
by imp/lib/Auth/imp.php, line 258, a login fails.  tcpdump says that the 
server is sending out a "mailbox is locked by another session" message.

Here's a code fragment from the above-named file starting from line 196:

         switch ($_SESSION['imp']['base_protocol']) {
         case 'pop3':
-->         sleep(1);
             $connstr = 'INBOX';

I inserted the line indicated by the arrow above.  Granted, I realize 
this is probably more a band-aid than anything else, but it allows the 
code to work a bit more reliably.  However, it'd be nice to get an 
actual "solution".

And before anyone suggests it, I realize that the "ideal" way of dealing 
with this is by not using POP3 in the first place, but using IMAP 
instead, but given the situation I have to deal with, that's not an 
option at the present moment.

Thanks for any suggestions anyone might have!


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