[imp] message marked as deleted

Stefan Hofmeir stefan1 at hofmeir.de
Wed Jan 31 00:42:38 PST 2007


I have following problem mit the IMAP feature "message marked as
deleted" (using Mail (imp) H3 (4.1.3)):

email account 1:
delete message   >    message is marked to be deleted later
Preferences in "Options/Mail/Deleting and Moving Messages" is set
> When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of
> marking them as deleted?

email account 2 (same IMP installation, same mailserver):
delete message   >    message is moved to trash folder
Preferences in "Options/Mail/Deleting and Moving Messages" is set
> When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of
> marking them as deleted?

What can we do to get the feature "message marked as deleted" for
all emails-accounts?

Kind regards,

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