[imp] IMAP Alert command (was Performance after upgrade)

Stephen A. Cochran Lists stephen.a.cochran.lists at cahir.net
Thu Feb 15 14:39:46 PST 2007

On Nov 2, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> I'd suggest experimenting with different PHP/c-client versions. The  
> loop appears to be outside of IMP's scope here. You could try  
> removing the imap_alerts() calls from IMP.php and IMAP.php (in imp/ 
> lib/), but that won't affect whether or not the server sends them.

So I've tried all of the following in various combos:

apache 2.0
apache 2.2
php 5.2.0
php 4.4.4
imap-client 2006c1 all the way back to c-client 2002e

Still the same problem. I even stepped through apache to see where  
it's getting stuck in a loop. It's a little unclear, when stepping  
through, it gets stuck on /php-5.2.0/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:92

if (EX(opline)->handler(&execute_data TSRMLS_CC) > 0) {

But if I continue it goes beyond that. Again hard to see since I  
can't see where it is in the PHP code, will have to try and figure  
out how to do that next.

While I agree that this isn't strictly an IMP problem, it doesn't  
happen at all with horde2/imp3. Yet I can reproduce it with any imap  
account that sends an IMAP_ALERT with horde3/imp4.

Steve Cochran
Dartmouth College

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