[imp] error_log contains parts of email messages

jef e jef_umd at umd.umich.edu
Wed Mar 28 16:08:14 UTC 2007

We've been seeing a lot of messages similar to the following in our
apache error_logs:

Word 'gt;<br ' contains illegal characters

Word 'gt; sue<br ' contains illegal characters

Word 'gt;<br ' contains illegal characters

Word 'gt; -- <br ' contains illegal characters

These examples are just small snippets, but sometimes there are entire
paragraphs of people's email in the logs. Obviously this is a
confidentiality concern, and I'd like to know what we can do to stop
this from happening. I haven't been able to turn anything up in the
archives or on Google, so I'm hoping someone might have an idea of where
to look.

I've lowered apache's logging to 'error', but since we have just done a
new installation using apache2 and some new server hardware, we don't
want to completely turn down logging.

Thanks for any ideas,


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