[imp] DIMP Message Special Encoding Problem

Fatih Şaki fatih.saki at mynet.com
Thu Mar 29 07:40:05 UTC 2007


Hi Michael

You sent a mail but it's with encoding problem.

And anyone else has any hint about this special encoding problem?
Hi all

There is a bug with Turkish language setted browser in IMP/DIMP app.
If we  select the Turkish language for browser some problems occurs.

I think something missing in encoding of messages contents.

The other languages shows preview of message properly but when browser

setted to Turkish then preview pane shows message as "Attachment".

Turkish has some special charecters which html tags also includes this

characters as same in their lower or upper cases.

( I MG <-> img  --- G I F <-> gif  ---  I NPUT <-> input)

( İ MG <-> img  --- G İ F <-> gif  ---  İ NPUT <-> input)

My opininon is the source of this problem is this situation.

Here is special Turkish Characters ( ISO-8859-9 )

URL : http://www.belgeler.org/hpm/html-php-mysql-giris_ek2.html
 &#287; || &#286; | | &#305; ||  &#304; || &#351; || &#350;

        Upper                         Lower
            I                          ( &#305; )

        Upper                          Lower
    ( &#304; )                            i

Visit the url and look at the bottom of the page so you will understand 
what is my problem.

I couldn't find the code where must i changed.

Is there any idea about this situation and solution way?

Thanks In Advance

Fatih SAKI
Thanks in advance.

Fatih Saki

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