[imp] Problem with attachments because of Gollum permissions

Stian Jordet liste at jordet.net
Sat May 5 22:21:52 UTC 2007


I'm using a hook to create a group with all my system users (not
virtual). The system users have access to gollem, ingo and jeta, which
the virtual users don't have. This is working very nicely.

The problem is that the virtual users can't attach files in their imp
compose screen. Where you normally can attach files, you get this

Catchable fatal error: Object of class PEAR_Error could not be converted
to string in /usr/share/horde3/imp/templates/compose/compose.inc on line

This is because of these lines in imp/templates/compose/compose.inc:

<?php if ($GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('files/selectlistLink')): ?>
&nbsp;<?php echo $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistLink',
array(_("Attach Files"), 'widget', 'compose', true)); ?>
      <input type="hidden" name="selectlist_selectid" value="" />
<?php endif; ?>

Which, as far as I understand, implies that if Gollum is installed, you
get the link to attach files from Gollum in the compose screen.

My question is, can I with a hook or something "un-register" the
"$GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('files/selectlistLink')", so that this
don't work? Or is it a bug that Gollum registers this method, when it's
not available to the users?

Hope someone can help me.


Best regards,

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