[imp] Parameter for Imap server directory

Son Truong svt at st-andrews.ac.uk
Tue Jun 5 10:34:07 UTC 2007

Add this:

    'imap_config' => array(
        'children' => false,
        'namespace' => array(
            'mail/' => array(
                'name' => 'mail/',
                'delimiter' => '/',
              'type' => 'personal',
                'hidden' => false,
        'search_charset' => array(
            'UTF-8' => true

to your server configuration in imp/config/servers.php, where 'mail' is 
replaced by 'xyz'.

I have yet to understand/find out why the virtual folders facility 
disappears with this 'unsupported' configuration...

Volker Macho wrote:
> I want to configure IMP to use a remote UW IMAP server (with protocol 
> imap/notls and port 143) for authentication and which has access to the 
> users home directories. All user mail folders are located there within a 
> subdirectory xyz/. How can I configure IMP to look only into this 
> subdirectory.  In version 3.2 there was the possibililty to specify 
> "'folders' => 'xyz/'" in servers.php. I cannot find anything like this 
> in IMP 4.1.4.
> thanks,
> Volker

Son V Truong * Unix System Programmer * Systems Group
LIS: IT Services * University of St Andrews
01334 462373 * svt at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sent from Son's Work PC!

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