[imp] Sidebar folder list and missing folders

Jon Robertson jonrober at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 31 21:03:59 UTC 2007

I'm trying to support a user on our local install of Horde who's not 
having all of his folders appear on his sidebar.  One of his subfolders 
has its own subfolders, which aren't appearing.  However, other 
subfolders do have *their* subfolders appear.

In other words, he has a layout like:

He can see his inbox, his Personal folder and its moo and baa 
subfolders, and his Work folder.. but no subfolders of Work are shown in 
the sidebar.  At the same time, the droplist of folders at the right of 
the toolbar does show every folder, and he can get to the Work.woof via 
the entry in that droplist.  Said user has subscriptions turned off and 
an empty subscription file on the server.

I spent a bit trying to debug what was going on, printing out state in 
lib/Horde/IMAP/Tree.php as it created the menu.  What looks to be 
happening is that the Work mailbox is not being show as having children. 
  With the following code (from Tree.php, with echo statements 
included), I get the following output for the folder in question.

echo "Check haschildren: " . $elt['v'] . "<br>";
         if (!$is_ns) {
echo "A: " . $elt['a']. "<br>";

             /* Not all IMAP servers support the HASCHILDREN flag (like 
UW!) so
              * we need to skip this check if the IMAP server doesn't set
              * either HASCHILDREN or HASNOCHILDREN. */
             if (!empty($this->_childrensupport) ||
                 (is_null($this->_childrensupport) &&
                  ($elt['a'] & LATT_HASCHILDREN) ||
                  ($elt['a'] & LATT_HASNOCHILDREN))) {
                 $ret = ($elt['a'] & LATT_HASCHILDREN);

echo "Ret: $ret<br>";
Check haschildren: INBOX.Work
A: 576
Ret: 0

I could press in more on my own, but finally admitting that I could use 
a bit of help.  Any ideas what might be going on here that makes the 
folder seem to have no children to the sidebar, but shows the correct 
layout in the droplist of folders?  I found a pair of older issues in 
the list that had similarities, but never a solid solution.

Using Horde 3.1.4, IMP 4.1.4, against a Cyrus IMAP server (2.3.7).

Jon Robertson

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