[imp] Horde accessing Exchange 2007 via POP3 or IMAP

Liam Hoekenga liamr at deathstar.org
Fri Aug 17 18:52:58 UTC 2007

Games, Dax wrote:
> Great suggestions.  I don't think I can do the first suggestion but Iwill look into it.
> How can I do this recompile of c-client and php imap and be able to easily and QUICKLY fall back if something breaks.  This is a production environment of about 2000 users.
It's really easy to do if the IMAP extension is compiled as separate .so 
file rather than built into the php binary itself.  Check the value of 
extension_dir in your php.ini file, and see what lives in the directory 
it mentions.  Ours looks something like..

extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20050922"

the contents of which are..

apc.so           gettext.so     mssql.so       pdo_oci.so     suhosin.so
bz2.so           iconv.so       mysql.so       pdo_odbc.so    sysvmsg.so
calendar.so      imap.so        mysqli.so      pdo_sqlite.so  sysvsem.so
curl.so          json.so        oci8.so        pfpro.so       sysvshm.so
cyrus.so         ldap.so        odbc.so        posix.so       xmlreader.so
dba.so           lzf.so         openssl.so     pspell.so      xmlrpc.so
eaccelerator.so  mbstring.so    oracleldap.so  sasl.so        xmlwriter.so
exif.so          mcrypt.so      pdf.so         snmp.so        zlib.so
fileinfo.so      mdbtools.so    pdo.so         soap.so
ftp.so           memcache.so    pdo_dblib.so   sockets.so
gd.so            mime_magic.so  pdo_mysql.so   sqlite.so

If it's stand-alone, you can build a separate copy of the IMAP extension 
linked against a different build of c-client, and swap them in and out 
as necessary.  You'll probably need to restart the webserver to affect 
the change.

If it's actually built into PHP, you'll need to rebuild PHP.. and the 
ease of backing the change out will completely depend on how you manage 
your system software.


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