[imp] MySQL or PostgreSQL

Eric Jon Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Sun Aug 26 18:48:27 UTC 2007

Quoting Anant Athavale <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> As per my experience mysql is much much better.

Nice that a reason why was provided...

> Regards,
> Anant.
> Quoting Alejandro Lengua <alejandro.lengua at gmail.com>:
>> Which one is better for Horde?

Neither is better.  Which one is better for your environment is all that
matters.  Do you already have experience with one?  Do you already have
one running?  Does you OS favor one or the other?  Do you have friends,
contacts, consultants, etc that can help you with one but not the other?
These are the kinds of things that matter.

I've been running Horde for over 7 years with Postgres without a single

You may see arguments about MySQL being faster than Postgresql, etc.
These things used to be true, but today there is little difference between
them.  Which you pick is up to you, Horde will work fine with either one.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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