[imp] Inserting images in HTML composition mode.

Jussi Paju Jussi.Paju at iki.fi
Tue Sep 25 12:38:52 UTC 2007

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Jan Schneider wrote:

>> Basically, we want to insert images in between text which are
>> available locally on a PC and can be viewed through browser with
>> file:// URL.
> These images would have to be available on the recipient's PC, which
> doesn't make any sense.

Actually in large corporate enviroments it could make a lot sense. In 
many places users have standardized network drives where the images 
could be placed and then referred to from email.

F.ex. if one sends an internal newsletter to 2500 users and places 250 
kilobytes of images in the network drive instead of embedding them to 
the message could save about 625 megabytes of wasted space on the mail 

And I *do* think that the best way around this would be placing 
newsletters like that in the intranet etc, but sadly world isn't 
perfect. ;)

Jussi Paju
  - luoja, creator -

:: Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
:: I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.

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