[imp] charset problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Oct 24 12:43:18 UTC 2007

Zitat von Cyril AGRA <cagra at tcs.fr>:

>> I'm not sure what you mean by "home/user".  If you mean the sent-mail
>> file, this is perfectly fine.  =E9 is simply the quoted printable
>> equivalent of ?
>> michael
> sorry "home/<user>" is the user's directory where mails are stored (maildir
> format).
> Why is perfectly fine ? If I reply to a mail with an "e accentuated",
> in my window
> which resume the historical message that I wish to reply, i see
> wrinting =E9 and
> then after sending message, messages quickly become incomprehensible.

You run IMP 4.0.2. Please don't expect anyone to help you troubleshoot  
an almost 3 years old version.


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