[imp] imp/dimp/mimp

Kevin Konowalec webadmin at ualberta.ca
Mon Dec 3 22:37:26 UTC 2007

Thanks for the reply Michael!

On Dec 3, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Michael M Slusarz wrote:

> Quoting Kevin Konowalec <webadmin at ualberta.ca>:
>> I was wondering - is it possible to set it up so that we can run imp,
>> mimp, and dimp concurrently on the same machine?  We'd like to give
>> the users the choice of which version they'd like to use.
> Yes (at least with the new RCs).  Be aware that switching between  
> the applications in a session doesn't quite work yet (config options  
> are not correctly honored).

We're running horde 3.1.4, imp 4.1.4 currently.  We were going to  
deploy the new versions but since there's newER versions in RC we  
figured we'd wait.

How will that be handled?  Will the user be able to set their default  
mail client in a preference or will they have to select mimp or dimp  
somewhere at the beginning of a session?

>> Regarding mimp... is it possible to use it as a stripped down mail
>> client on regular web browsers or can you only access it with mobile
>> browsers.  We still have a few blind students who use page readers to
>> surf the web and from what they say imp is not very compatible with
>> things like the.  Also... is it possible to test your mimp setup
>> without using a mobile browser?
> Yes, just point your browser to www.example.com/mimp/ after you login.
> michael

Great!  Thanks Michael!


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