[imp] DIMP + "delete" key

Liam Hoekenga liamr at deathstar.org
Fri Feb 22 17:31:29 UTC 2008

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Earnie Boyd <earnie at users.sourceforge.net>:
>> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>>> Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>>>> Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at deathstar.org>:
>>>>> When I read a message in DIMP (Firefox, OSX and press
>>>>> delete, all it does is unselect the message.  If I've read the messages
>>>>> after the message I tried to delete, DIMP will move to the next
>>>>> message.  If the subsequent messages are unread, it unselects the
>>>>> message and displays the usage boiler plate.
>>>> Try this:
>>>> http://lists.horde.org/archives/cvs/Week-of-Mon-20080218/075179.html
>>> I would ask that this be reverted, because the previous behavior was
>>> by design.  Since the backspace is used as a navigation key in most
>>> browsers,
>> I've been caught jaw dropped because of this action.  Hit the backspace
>> key and you go back to the previous page.
> I'm not going to raise a big fuss about this change.  Just wanted to  
> identify why this wasn't implemented before (since it is such a  
> trivial implement).
If there is concern that this changes the default "go back a page" 
behavior of the backspace key, maybe we should use the browser detection 
to figure out what platform the user is using, and only add

    case Event.KEY_BACKSPACE:

if they user is on a mac (where the "delete" key apparently sends backspace)


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