[imp] IMAP Incredibly Slow

Tim Gustafson tjg at soe.ucsc.edu
Fri Feb 29 23:22:49 UTC 2008


I have installed HORDE on a freshly-installed CentOS box.  The box has 4GB
RAM and dual 1.8ghz processors.  Horde, by itself is speedy and responsive.
It authenticates off an LDAP server that we use for authentication
throughout our college, and I don't have any problems with the LDAP
authentication - it's nice and quick.

However, when I install IMP and then try to connect to the IMAP server,
HORDE grinds to a screeching halt.  It takes 2-3 minutes to load any pages
that have anything to do with e-mail.  Non e-mail pages are somewhat
quicker, but still delayed.

Top shows no CPU usage while I'm waiting for pages to load.  The server is
effectively sitting there doing nothing.  The IMAP server we're using is a
UW server that works very well with all of our other mail clients.

In fact, while the page is taking 3 minutes to load in one browser window, I
can open another window and connect to SquirrelMail running on the same
server (different virtual host) and start reading and responding to all my
e-mails before the Horde/Imp window finishes loading.

Has anyone else experienced this slowness?  Is there a fix for it?  I'm sure
I'm just missing some simple setting.  I'd be happy to provide whatever
configuration files anyone would like to look at.

Tim Gustafson
SOE Webmaster
UC Santa Cruz
tjg at soe.ucsc.edu
(831) 459-5354

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