[imp] Attachment weirdness (again)

Kevin Konowalec webadmin at ualberta.ca
Thu Mar 6 17:43:11 UTC 2008

Horde: 3.1.4
Imp: H3 (4.1.4)

So it appears our attachments-not-attaching problem is back.  We've  
added a bunch of additional logging to try and track down the  
problem.  This is what we get:

Mar  5 17:36:07 src at webcluster1 HORDE[11650]: [imp] testuser uploading  
file 'attachtest.doc' with temp filename '/www/tmp/phpImJjo11650' [on  
line 461 of "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Compose.php"]
Mar  5 17:37:05 src at webcluster1 HORDE[29507]: [imp] testuser  
attempting to send message with 0 attachments [on line 304 of "/var/ 

So the file is getting up to the cluster but is not getting attached  
to the message when it sends.  This SEEMS to be a function of load (it  
hasn't happened in a month or two but as the load creeps up to 100,000  
logins per day we start seeing weirdness like this) and the "fix" has  
been to reboot everything (front ends, memcache boxes, everything).   
That's a pretty bad way to do it since although it clears the symptoms  
it doesn't solve the problem.

Anyone have any insight as to what might be happening?


PS I haven't had a chance to test this on horde 3.2 RC2 yet, but since  
the above configuration is what we currently have in production it's  
what I'm concerned about right now.

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